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Potomac 2019
"Yellow with lots of type. Typical shape of head with strong muzzle. Rich dark pigmentation. Strong neck, excellent lay of shoulders. Strong top-line and excellent tail set. Superb forechest, excellent front and rear angulation. Strong bones and nice feet. Moved with lots of drive and easy. Always showed his wagging otter tail"
Vanessa Malkmus-Black Pearl's of Manhattan
Winner of Am Bred Yellow at Potomac, one of the last 5 pulled for WD

"My Breed dog today, he filled my eyes
in every aspect"
Sussie Wiles-Richbourne Labradors
Some of Rhetts Kids
GCH CH Blackpearl's Drippin in Finesse
Blackpearl N Brae's Damm Pretty

Rhetts Pedigree

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